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Friday, May 25, 2012


We are all inspired by many things around us. We all live inspire & to be inspired. My husband is reading this book and it caught my eye. The big colorful flower towards the top had to be my own version on a cookie. I see things I think 'cookie'. Cookie vision as they call it. I don't meditate but then again I feel cookies are my form of meditation. Look around and be inspired ♥
Pretty colorful flower a rainbow ;)
Enjoy your weekend everybody. Get out & enjoy all the colors of the world and be INSPIRED!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Cookies ROCK my world!

I recently was inspired by a photo in my latest Food Network magazine. It was titled Punk Rocks and they were actual parmesan cookies coated in vegetable ash - ash made from charring vegetable & fruit scraps in a super hot oven, then grinding them. Rolling each cookie in the ash to give it a 'rock' appearance. Well a light bulb went off in my head and I said "hey I can try this with my new air brush." So that is what I did. These are super duper easy cookies to make and I think they look pretty impressive. They really do look like rocks and the best thing about it is they do not have to be perfect. Actually the more imperfect they are the better. 
I started out baking some rolled up cookie dough in the shape of what I imagined rocks to look like.
The first step was to airbrush some color on to the cookies. I just used back & brown.
After you have a base coat of color get a brand new tooth brush and dip in some AmeriColor gel . I used brown, black and white. Then start flicking the tooth brush over the cookie to give it a speckled look. I learned this technique from the many art classes I took in grade school. Its so fun and easy. A good pointer before you start. Wear some plastic gloves when doing this if you don't want your fingers stained with coloring. I realized this after the fact haha. 
After that side is finished flip them over and do the same to the other side. I didn't worry about drying time because they seemed pretty dry and again they don't have to be perfect. See how easy these are turning out to be? :)
Once you are finished with both sides you can place them on a plate and take them to an extravagant dinner party and see everyone's reactions when you walk by the plate and pop a rock in your mouth haha. Better yet place a candle in the center to give it a more of a classy look! HA!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Pink Strawberries

Yummy pink strawberry cookies for a bridal party. So many parties now a days have fun themes and decorations. The possibilities are endless when it comes to parties...
These will be placed in berry containers...what a cute idea ♥

Friday, May 18, 2012

Slugger Bugger

A friend recently had to have her dog put down. She was 16 yrs old. She asked if I could make some cookies in honor of her so she could pass out to the neighborhood dog lovers. Much love for Slugger and ALL dogs. 
I made these a while ago just because I just LOVE dogs!!! ♥
Dogs are the next best thing to cookies ;)

Friday, May 4, 2012

Creative Cookie Contest

LilaLoa is holding a fun Creative Cookie Contest.
Basically take a present cookie cutter like this one...
 Bake a cookie and come up with any design other than a present.
You can flip it, turn it...whichever you like. 
Here is my design I came up with...

Stop on over to her blog and check out all the amazing designs. You will be impressed. I know I am.
So much creativity & talent out there in the Cookie world.

Magical Fairies

Fairy themed cookies for a women's extravaganza. Hmmm well I knew I didn't want to do a girly cartoonish fairy so I went with a silhouette fairy. Chose the colors of bright pink, blue, green & purple. Airbrushes the edges with a darker color for some added dimension. I wanted these cookies to be magical. Added teeny tiny dots as fairy dust and painted on some stars with a dot of royal icing to make the stars twinkle like. I love the way they turned out...Magical Fairies ;)